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Chemical Dependency Prevention

School-based counseling

School-based, free counseling is currently available at five schools for youth whose family environment, behavior and/or psychosocial development place them at higher risk for alcohol and substance abuse. Parents and/or siblings of these students may also be included in the program, depending on their involvement in these at-risk behaviors.

Our program currently serves children and adolescents in the Rochester City School District, the Hilton School District and Bishop Kearney High School.

What the Program Offers

Individual and family counseling, student group sessions, evidence-based approach counseling, classroom presentations, and connection to outside community supports.

Eligibility criteria

Referred by school staff, students and parents within the identified school districts.

Intake Process

Our Chemical Dependency (CD) Counselor is contacted concerning a referral; based on schedule availability, either an initial referral assessment is made or the student is placed on our waiting list. The student is then admitted into program and/or referred to other community resources.

Program Cost

Free of charge to eligible participants.