Our Community Residences are Jones & Alexander (for men) and Barrington (for women). Both residences have recently received major upgrades to the house, including an entirely new rebuild at our new Barrington House location.
Individuals appropriate for residential services also participate in outpatient treatment services and/or other support services such as vocational and educational services.
What the Program Offers
Services include housing in a supportive, recovery-oriented community, relapse prevention group support, individual counseling support, case management, vocational/educational development, transitional services development, addiction education and Life Skills Classes including Anger Management and Relapse Prevention and recreational, sober, fun activities.
Eligibility criteria
Adults 18 years or older who meet the criteria established by NYS OASAS level of care determination for CD Community Residential Services, indicating a need for a supportive residential environment to sustain recovery.
Intake Process
Fax a copy of the Monroe County Universal OASAS Residential Referral Form to the Intake Coordinator (fax number, below), along with any other identified information regarding eligibility for the service. Our Intake Coordinator will review documentation and confer with the client and other referral contacts for placement. A visit to the residence for dinner, brief orientation and meeting with the community members is scheduled. Following this visit if the individual is still interested, they are contacted when a bed becomes available. A date is finalized for the individual involved to enter treatment and immediate needs are assessed.
Intake Coordinator fax-line: (585) 423-2201
Program Cost